
Deactivation, Decommissioning and Remediation (DD&R)

Deactivation places a facility in a stable condition to minimize existing risks that is protective of workers, the public, and the environment. Decommissioning prepares and executes facility demolition and waste removal.  Remediation completes cleanup of the footprint for future uses or legacy monitoring.

Polestar provides the personnel, tools, and experience to provide critical technical support to Deactivation, Decommissioning and Remediation (DD&R) projects to achieve our client’s objectives and programmatic requirements. 

Our capabilities in this area include:

  • Project Management

  • End State Strategies

  • Baseline Planning

  • Work Planning

  • Waste Management

strategic-planning workflow

Strategic Planning

Polestar understands the challenges presented by nuclear operations to quickly analyze a situation, develop practical solution then promptly plan and implement actions in a safe, compliant and cost-effective manner. 

Polestar personnel support our clients in the following key areas:

  • Prioritization Planning and Modeling

  • Project Execution Planning

  • Risk Management

Executive Consulting

Polestar’s subject matter experts focus on helping clients achieve and maintain peak business performance by implementing strategies to improve business operations, communications and operational effectiveness.

  • Workforce Analysis and Change Capability Assessment

  • Transition Planning and Change Management

  • Independent Operations Oversight

  • Organization and Process Improvements

  • Leadership Development

river with building behind it

Planning & Management Tools

Polestar has developed a unique set of project management tools custom-designed to provide long-term solutions to facilities and projects throughout their entire lifecycle. 

These tools include:

  • POWERtool

    A tool for systematic planning, scoping, and estimating facility deactivation, decommissioning and remediation projects.

  • SUPERmodel

    A one-of-a- kind tool which provides prioritization, sequencing, and optimization of small projects at the facility level through a large portfolio of projects at a major site level.

  • End Points

    A systematic, disciplined process for determining, managing and documenting deactivation, decommissioning and remediation project scope.

  • RAMtool

    A risk assessment, mitigation and management tool which assists in conducting risk assessments and actively managing risks.

Nuclear Safety & Technical Analysis

Polestar has the personnel, tools, and experience to provide nuclear safety and technical engineering support to meet a variety of project needs in the fields of:

  • Nuclear Safety Documentation Development

  • Accident and Dose Analysis

  • Emergency Preparedness and Planning

  • Radiation Shielding

  • Source Term Development


Operations & Technical Management

Polestar has the depth of experience in all the aspects of operating in high hazard environments, from startup to shut down and decommissioning. Polestar draws on tremendous depth of experience and a wide variety of disciplines from nuclear operations, engineering, training, and safety to support every facet of facility operations. 

Our capabilities in this area include:

  • Conduct of Operations

  • Facility Operations

  • Engineering Management

  • Training

  • Project Readiness

  • Program and Project Management

Environmental Engineering & Compliance

Polestar has the personnel, tools, and experience to provide environmental engineering and compliance support to meet a variety of project needs in the fields of:

  • Environmental Engineering

  • Air Dispersion Modeling (radiological and chemical)

  • Environmental Compliance and Licensing

  • Waste Management

  • CERCLA/RCRA Regulatory Support


CAFTA 11.1 Phoenix Architect 2.1

The Computer-Aided Fault Tree Analysis (CAFTA) technology package is the industry leader in fault tree analysis for large, complicated, or multi-user collaborative projects. CAFTA allows you to build, quantify, and analyze fault tree models of any size or complexity.

The CAFTA Technology Package also includes additional safety analysis tools such as:

  • FRANX - Fire Modeling Tool

  • SysImp - Systems Importance Measures

  • PRAQuant - Accident Sequence Quantification Tool

  • UNCERT - Uncertainty Evaluation Tool

  • DPC - Direct Probability Calculator

  • ACUBE - Advanced Cutset Upper Bound Estimator