Why Polestar...
Polestar Technical Services, Inc. specializes in risk reduction and liability solutions with a focus on cleanup of high-hazard work environments to safely accelerate progress and reduce long-term costs. We deliver a full-service lifecycle approach to cleanup with the tools, processes and people to make the vision real: subject matter experts to develop, implement and verify technical approaches and critical programmatic functions; defensible tools and processes for a systematic and consistent approach; and project management to start and keep projects on track.
Demonstrating Commitment and Excellence Since 1992.
Polestar is certified as a Woman-Owned Small Business
with the Small Business Administration.

Trans Alta Keepshill 3 Site
DOE Hanford/Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryDOE Hanford/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
DOE - Idaho National LabDOE - Idaho National Lab
Los Angeles Department of Water and PowerLos Angeles Department of Water and Power
NNSA - Nevada National Security SiteNNSA - Nevada National Security Site
DOE - Rocky Flats SiteDOE - Rocky Flats Site
DOE Waste Isolation Pilot PlantDOE Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories – Chalk River/WhiteshellCanadian Nuclear Laboratories – Chalk River/Whiteshell
DOE West Valley SiteDOE West Valley Site
Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric CompanyMassachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company
Brookhaven National LaboratoryBrookhaven National Laboratory
DOE Oak Ridge SiteDOE Oak Ridge Site
DOE Savannah River SiteDOE Savannah River Site
United Kingdom Nuclear Decommissioning Authority SitesUnited Kingdom Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Sites
EDF Group FranceEDF Group France
Belene Nuclear Power Plant, BulgariaBelene Nuclear Power Plant, Bulgaria
Armenia NPP Unit #1, ArmeniaArmenia NPP Unit #1, Armenia
Pebble Bed Modular Reactor, South AfricaPebble Bed Modular Reactor, South Africa
Korea Hydro and Nuclear PowerKorea Hydro and Nuclear Power
Fukushima SiteFukushima Site
Our Services & Solutions
We bring a full-service lifecycle approach to cleanup with proven processes, tools and people to make the vision real.